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The initial idea of the project Minkowski Institute Press was, and still is, to have a publisher run (on a voluntary basis) by academics for academics and for all interested in books in different academic fields for a wider audience. That is why, colleagues are invited to get more involved in all aspects of the project (contact us at mip@minkowskiinstitute.org).
The Minkowski Institute Press (MIP) is an academic publisher located in Montréal (Québec, Canada). MIP publishes high quality textbooks, lecture notes, monographs, edited volumes and conference proceedings in all academic fields as well as books on science, technology and philosophy for the general public. MIP books are made available all over the world through Amazon (see on the left Our Books at Amazon et al.)
As a different kind of academic publisher MIP's main goals are:
- As we are all now exposed to exponentially increasing information, MIP follows three basic principles in publishing its books:
- brief informative books (rarely exceeding 200 pages)
- light (softcover) books
- affordable books (not exceeding $20).
- To promote education and particularly science education and the advancement of science and technology in the world by making high quality information and knowledge affordably available to all who need them.
- To publish popular science books at affordable prices with the explicit aim to provide continual science education for the general public in order that scientific culture become an inseparable element of the common culture of every individual.
- To provide a small but steady source of funding of the Minkowski Institute; all profit goes to the Institute.
MIP's distinct features are:
- offering books at significantly low prices as a means to promote education by reaching more readers all over the world
- authors receive 20-25% royalties of the net profit (royalties options are given in the publishing agreement the authors sign)
- rapid publication; once a book is accepted (after a reasonable peer review period) and the submitted manuscript is in LaTeX, MIP will try to publish the ebook within a month (the source files of books, containing equations, tables and figures must be typeset in LaTeX)
- as all profit goes to the Minkowski Institute publishing with MIP and buying books from MIP will support the Institute
The publishing policy of MIP is based on the following principles:
- The intellectual property rights to published books and articles are held by their authors, not by MIP. Authors are free to use their published work in any way they find appropriate.
- Authors and editors are able to choose the cover of their books (preserving MIP's features) and are involved (if they prefer) in the whole process of designing and producing the books.
- As Amazon prints our books they advertise and sell them all over the world. The Amazon print softcover books (hardcover option may be available in the middle of 2021) and also sell their Kindle version. The books are produced in the fastest possible way - if the ebook version is completed within a month, it is submitted to Amazon and in several days the book is available on the Amazon sites all over the world.
- Minimum administration is involved in the book production.
Montréal, Québec, Canada