Seventh International Conference
on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime


Conference Committees

Call for Papers

Conference Program


Useful Information


Conference in Pictures

Conference Volume

Minkowski Institute

Minkowski Institute Magazine

Minkowski Institute Press

Minkowski Meetings

Spacetime Conferences

International Society for the Advanced Study of Spacetime

Conference program

The pogram will be posted by June 20, 2024.

What is below is the program of the sixth spacetime conference (September 2022)

NOTE: Registration is open and arriving abstracts (emailed to will be considered until there are available slots in the conference program.

There will be a book exhibition during the conference by


Arrival: September 11, 2022
Departure: September 16, 2022

Welcome reception - from 19:00 to 21:00 on September 11, 2022 in the main restaurant of Hotel Sandy Beach.
Goodbye reception - from 19:00 to 21:00 on September 15, 2022 in the main restaurant of Hotel Sandy Beach

As a small "Thank you" the session chairs will be invited to Cafe Panorama on the 15th floor of Hotel Dobrudzha for coffee and delicious Garash torta (date to be announced). Also invited are colleagues who attended more than one meeting organized by the Minkowski Institute.

Only a laptop (with a projector) for the presentations will be available

If you are not bringing your laptop, make sure that your presentation is in PowerPoint (Windows) or PDF. There will be no Mac laptop for KeyNote files. If your presentation is created by using LibreOffice, OpenOffice or any other software, make sure that you convert it to one of the two formats supported at the meeting.

Talks - 30 min + 10 min question period

Monday, September 12, 2022

9:00 - Registration

9:20 - 9:30 Welcome Remarks

Chair: Gregorie Dupuis-Mc Donald (University of Salzburg)

9:30-10:10 - Jerzy Golosz (Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University), Dynamic Multipresentism: In Defence of a Dynamic View of Reality

10:10-10:50 - Bruce M. Boman (Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware), Becoming as a Transition State in Spacetime

10:50-11:20 - Coffee break and discussions

11:20-12:00 - Panel Discussion on Becoming and the Nature of Time

12:00-14:00 - Lunch

Chair: Bruce M. Boman (Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware)

14:20-15:00 - Robert Rynasiewicz (Johns Hopkins University), Reichenbach's Uses of Non-Standard Simultaneity

15:00-15:40 - Gregorie Dupuis-Mc Donald (University of Salzburg), Imagination, Fiction and the Reality of Minkowski's Discovery of Spacetime

15:40 - Coffee break and discussions

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Chair: Gregorie Dupuis-Mc Donald (University of Salzburg)

9:30-10:10 - Anguel Stefanov (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Is Spacetime an Emergent Entity

10:10-10:50 - Marko Vojinovic (Institute of Physics Belgrade), Operational existence of a spacetime manifold

10:50-11:20 - Coffee break and discussions

11:20-12:00 - Sho Fujita (Kobe University, Japan), New Way of Interpretation about Spacetime through Macro and Micro Region

12:00-14:00 - Lunch

Chair: Marko Vojinovic (Institute of Physics Belgrade)

14:20-15:00 - Elton Marques (University of Lisbon), In defence of Einstein

15:00-15:40 - William Giovanni Jimenez Senzano (Columbia University), Spacetime and Relativity in Newton's Principia: A Radical Reinterpretation

15:40 - Coffee break and discussions

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Chair: Elton Marques (University of Lisbon)

9:30-10:10 - Marcoen Cabbolet (Free University of Brussels), A model of spacetime in a world with repulsive gravity

10:10-10:50 - Dan Shanahan, Protogravity: a quantum-theoretic precursor of actual gravity

10:50-11:20 - Coffee break and discussions

11:20-12:00 - Gall Alster (Haifa University), The Baloon Universe

12:00-14:00 - Lunch

Chair: Marcoen Cabbolet (Free University of Brussels)

14:20-15:00 - Vesselin Petkov (Minkowski Institute, Montreal), On Relativistic Mass

15:00-15:40 - Branko Kovac (Sydney, Australia), Nature of inertia and dynamic gravitational field

15:40 - Coffee break and discussions

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Chair: Gregorie Dupuis-Mc Donald (University of Salzburg)

9:30-10:10 - Georgios Kallidis, Space and Time Transport Equations and the Operational Interpretations of Lorentz Transformations as their Linear Solutions

10:10 -10:50 - Hiroaki Fujimori, Proof of the Relativity Principle

10:50-11:20 - Coffee break and discussions

11:20-12:00 - Seyed Rasouli (Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal), Noncompactified Kaluza-Klein gravity

12:00-14:00 - Lunch

14:00-14:40 - Panel Discussion on the Nature of Spacetime

14:40-15:10 - Coffee break and discussions

15:10-15:50 - Panel Discussion on the Nature of Gravitation

If needed - Guidelines for Session Chairs: APS; IMRA

Conference room:

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