Seventh International Conference
on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime


Conference Committees

Call for Papers

Conference Program


Useful Information


Conference in Pictures

Conference Volume

Minkowski Institute

Minkowski Institute Magazine

Minkowski Institute Press

Minkowski Meetings

Spacetime Conferences

International Society for the Advanced Study of Spacetime

Conference program

NOTE: Registration is open and arriving abstracts (emailed to will be considered until there are available slots in the conference program.

There will be a book exhibition during the conference by


Arrival: September 15, 2024
Departure: September 20, 2024

For information on how to get from the Varna airport to Albena see section "Taxi from Varna Airport to Albena" in the link Useful Information on the left.

Only a laptop and a projector for the presentations will be available.

If you are not bringing your laptop, make sure that your presentation is in PowerPoint (Windows) or PDF; there will be no Mac laptop for KeyNote files. If your presentation is created by using LibreOffice, OpenOffice or any other software, make sure that you convert it to one of the two formats supported at the meeting.

Talks (in-person only) - 25 min + 5 min questions

Monday, September 16, 2024

9:00 - Registration

9:25 - 9:30 Welcome Remarks

Chair: tba

9:30-10:00 - R. Asya Ciftci, McGill Univertsity, Geometry and Information: Dimensions, Metrics, and Constraints on Conventions

10:00-10:30 - Anton Sverdlikov, University of Wuppertal, Event Structural Realism and Spacetime Metaphysics

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break and discussions

11:00-11:30 - Tian Yu Cao, Boston University, Twistor, Cohomology, Foundations of Physics

11:30-12:00 - Marcoen Cabbolet, Free University of Brussels, Analytical-philosophical aspects of a new approach to unification

12:30-14:00 - Lunch

Chair: tba

14:00-14:30 - Zixuan Liu, Husserl-Archive of University of Cologne, How Time Flies: On the Velocity and Subjectivity of Temporal Flow

14:30-15:00 - Franco Manni, Liceo Scientifico Leonardo, What have different philosophical traditions to say about temporal thought?

15:00-15:30 - Coffee break and discussions

15:30-16:00 - Jan Pilotti, affiliated member of Minkowski Institute, Why is there no consensus about becoming and spacetime?

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Chair: tba

9:00-9:30 - Andrzej Radosz, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, If homogeneous and isotropic Universe is infinite, then ...

9:30-10:00 - Saakshi Dulani (Johns Hopkins University) and Baptiste Le Bihan (University of Geneva), Baby Universes Need Parental Watch

10:00-10:30 - Anguel Stefanov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, affiliated member of Minkowski Institute, The post-paradigmatic character of contemporary cosmology

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break and free discussions

11:00-11:30 - Available slot

11:30-12:00 - Hou Yau, San Francisco State University, Proper Time Oscillator

12:30-14:00 - Lunch

Chair: tba

14:00-14:30 - Asher Yahalom, Center for Astrophysics, Geophysics, and Space Sciences (AGASS), Ariel University, The Minkowski Metric and Beyond

14:30-15:00 - Calin Galeriu, Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”, Bucharest, Romania, affiliated member of Minkowski Institute, The illusion of acceleration in the retarded Lienard-Wiechert electromagnetic field

15:00-15:30 - Coffee break and discussions

15:30-16:00 - Dan Shanahan, Analogue Gravity and the de Broglie wave: a Missed Opportunity

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Chair: tba

9:00-9:30 - Tuomas Pernu, University of Eastern Finland, Spacetime Symmetries and the Problem of Free Will

9:30-10:00 - Kyley Ewing, Cape Breton University, Time, Free Will, and Responsibility

10:00-10:30 - Nikola Pirovski, Laboratory of Anthropology, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, The Human as a Time Structure

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break and discussions

11:00-11:30 - Kyley Ewing, Cape Breton University, Fragments of Time

11:30-12:00 - Bruce M. Boman, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, Origin of the Universe - Asking the Right Questions

12:30-14:00 - Lunch

Chair: tba

14:00-14:30 - Vesselin Petkov, Minkowski Institute, Montreal, Minkowski's actual and intended contributions to spacetime physics

14:30-15:00 - Swapnil Kumar Singh, B.M.S College of Engineering, Bangalore, affiliated member of Minkowski Institute, Minkowski's Four-Dimensional Continuum and Relativistic Plurality

15:00-15:30 - Coffee break and discussions

15:30-16:00 - Available slot

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Chair: tba

9:00-9:30 - Lan Fu, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, The Models of Primary Particles

9:30-10:00 - Charlie Dawson, A Spacetime Model that Makes the Wave Function Real

10:00-10:30 - Prakash Bhat, MatterSpaceTime (MST) Theory

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break and discussions

11:00-12:00 - Stephane Beridze, Continuity or discreteness? Are the space and time continuous or discreteness?

12:30-14:00 - Lunch

Chair: tba

14:00-15:00 - Panel Discussion on Open Questions in Spacetime Physics

15:10 - Excursion to Cape Kaliakra - see pictures in the second half of this page

If needed - Guidelines for Session Chairs: APS; IMRA

Conference room:

Welcome to Bulgaria (founded in 681):
The magic of Bulgarian nature in 3 minutes!

There are two, among the many, must-see ancient archeological sites near Albena (part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage) - the National Archaeological Reserves Kaliakra and Yailata.