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Book Proposals

The Minkowski Institute Press (MIP) publishes in all academic fields. Three distinct features of MIP are:

  • Rapid review process - Initially the book proposal is sent to one referee who is encouraged to request sample chapters if the proposal alone is not sufficient to write a review. If the decision is clear (e.g., rejecting a book proposal that does not meet obvious academic standards - nothing new, contains irreparable errors and misconceptions, etc.), the book proposal is rejected or accepted. But if the review is not convincing, a second (and sometimes a third) reviewer is asked to review the proposal.
  • Rapid publication - no more than a month after submitting the final version of the manuscript
  • Affordable prices of MIP's books, especially of the ebook versions

Book proposals should be sent to books@minkowskiinstitute.org.

Please use the MIP Book Proposal Form - PDF file or MS Word file (entire manuscripts will not be considered).

For inquiries about submitting book proposals contact us