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Niels Bohr, Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal), 290 pages.

ISBN: 978-1-998902-63-7 (ebook) - $7.00
ISBN: 978-1-998902-61-3 (softcover) - $20.50
ISBN: 978-1-998902-62-0 (hardcover) - $29.00

Edited by Svetla Petkova and Vesselin Petkov

Buy the ebook (PDF with hyperlinks)

Published on 23 December 2024


This is a new publication of Niels Bohr's books Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (1958) and Essays 1958-1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (1963).

The book is a collection of articles containing Bohr's views on a wide range of issues - from the genesis of quantum mechanics to biology (the problem of life) to the connection between the sciences to quantum physics and philosophy and to the unity of human knowledge. Even only two chapters (of 14) make this book invaluable - Discussion with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics and the Rutherford Memorial Lecture (which provides a first-hand account of the origin of atomic physics and quantum mechanics).

Following Minkowski Institute Press' tradition, here is a notable quote from the book:

"Surely, every stable human society demands fair play specified in judicial rules, but at the same time, life without attachment to family and friends would obviously be deprived of some of its most precious values. Still, though the closest possible combination of justice and charity presents a common goal in all cultures, it must be recognized that any occasion which calls for the strict application of law has no room for the display of charity and that, conversely, benevolence and compassion may conflict with all ideas of justice. This point, in many religions mythically illustrated by the fight between deities personifying such ideals, is stressed in old Oriental philosophy in the admonition never to forget as we search for harmony in human life that on the scene of existence we are ourselves actors as well as spectators."

The physical (paper) book can be ordered from (for more options see):


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