Institute for Foundational Studies
Hermann Minkowski

Hermann Minkowski
1864 - 1909




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Hermann Minkowski


Minkowski Institute Press

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2016 Spacetime Conference

2008 Spacetime Conference

2006 Spacetime Conference

2004 Spacetime Conference

Ivan Zhogin

    Main Affiliation:

Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry, SR Lab
Novosibirsk, Russia


Main Degrees:

  • PhD in Theoretical Physics
    Tomsk State University, Faculty of Physics, Tomsk
    Opponents: Prof. Dr. Ioseph Buchbinder, Dr. Vladimir Pershin
    Thesis: Research in theory of Riemannian spaces with Absolute Parallelism
    Defended on May 8, 1996.

  • MSc in Physics (Elementary particles)
    Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk (1981)
    Supervisor: Dr. Alexander Mikhailichenko
    Thesis: Elements of power semi-relativistic klystron with magnetic separation

My Minkowski Institute related research:

In my opinion, the theory of Absolute Parallelism (AP; an abstract) is of interest for physics geometrization (aka Hilbert's problem #6). There is a unique variant of the theory, the exceptional equation (EE; 2d-order, non-Lagrangian) of the frame field h aì, whose solutions seem to be free from singularities if D=5 (D=4 is just forbidden for EE; one can extend the compatibility analysis to degenerate, but finite, co(contra)-frame matrices).
The additional spatial dimension manifests itself both in the cosmological expansion (there are spherically symmetric non-stationary solutions as a longitudinal wave running along the radius and forming a cosmological waveguide, a region with non-zero Ricci tensor), and also in the nonlocal behavior of elementary particles (large size along the extra ("undeveloped") dimension; localized configurations of the frame field can carry discrete information - topological charges and, if configuration has some symmetry, topological quasi-charges). It seems the frame field is only twice as "large" in number of components (D2 - D) compared to vacuum GR (in AP the metric gìí = çab h aì h bí where çab is the Minkowski metric). However, the increase in the number of polarizations (polarization degrees of freedom, PDF) is more pronounced: D(D-2)=15 compared to D(D-3)/2 =5, the number of GW-polarizations. Finally, it is necessary to introduce auxiliary 4D-fields (quantised avatar-fields) for phenomenological description of topological (quasi)particles prone to interact; so the overall picture turns out to be complex and interesting.

Publications (ResearchGate and arXiv)